鬼 滅 過大 評価 - 【海外の反応】鬼滅の刃は過大評価⁉︎「ufotable のお陰かな」「モノローグが多すぎ」

評価 過大 鬼 滅 鬼滅の刃は過大評価されすぎ?言うほど面白くない理由を考察|たにたにチャンネル

評価 過大 鬼 滅 鬼滅の刃って過大評価されすぎじゃないですか?


評価 過大 鬼 滅 【悲報】鬼滅の刃、外人から不評だった「過大評価」「キッズ向け」「なぜ人気なのか理解不能」


評価 過大 鬼 滅 【悲報】鬼滅の刃、外人から不評だった「過大評価」「キッズ向け」「なぜ人気なのか理解不能」


評価 過大 鬼 滅 正直な話、漫画【鬼滅の刃】は過大評価され過ぎだと思う。|毎日がノー残業DAY

評価 過大 鬼 滅 鬼滅の刃って過大評価されすぎじゃないですか?


評価 過大 鬼 滅 【考察】鬼滅の刃が異常なほど過大評価されてしまった理由wwww


評価 過大 鬼 滅 鬼滅の刃って過大評価されすぎじゃないですか?

評価 過大 鬼 滅 【感想】鬼滅の刃に1mmもハマらなかった。過大評価されてない?【ネタバレ注意】|今日はヒトデ祭りだぞ!

評価 過大 鬼 滅 鬼滅の刃、正直過大評価感が否めない


【海外の反応】鬼滅の刃は過大評価⁉︎「ufotable のお陰かな」「モノローグが多すぎ」

But as someone that usually niche anime. Fights are tactical AND flashy, and sure, it's a pretty stereotypical premise, and forgiveness is a bit annoying at times, but it has the best of all worlds, and that's something it shines in. All it has going for it is flashy fights and animation. I do agree, this is heavily overrated. So, now we have a shounen with all the merits of the genre, while removing the worst part. The linearity and other flaws of the story really come out in the manga. The stuido really worked so hard to make a meh manga into a very good adaptation. Just about every artist I follow on has at least one Demon Slayer post, if not then ten. It follows a tried and true formula but what stands out is the animation. It's just another typical generic shounen that brings nothing new to the table. It's not bad, though demon slayer definitely made it into my top 10 , and there's nothing wrong with posting demon slayer , I'd love to too, but they literally worship the anime and its characters. They all more or less happen in a similar fashion, and are also pretty short. KnY takes the standard and familiar shounen plot, cut all the filler they are known for and streamlined the whole process training being less than an episode instead of multiple. The story is very bland and cliche, and the characters are all pretty bad. I've seen it with Tokyo Ghoul, Kabenari of the Iron and Attack on Titan. The villain is the same type of villain I've seen before, only if was an anime villain. If I didn't know what it was I'd expect something really great and unique, but to be honest, it's just as great as any anime can get. Everywhere I go, virtually and physically, there's Demon Slayer. Either way, this anime is seriously overrated. And even I will admit it, Nezuko is super adorable! The plot and writing is so generic and overused. The animation is great and I'd even say the whole anime is a masterpiece so I guess the only thing people could do is fangirl over it. If it was adapted by any other studio then i don't think it would've been this over hyped. Of course, it is still slightly overrated. I feel like I had high expectations due to the myanimelist rating? Sure it happened long ago, but its the No. Even the background and the little things such as the snow and the fire, it looks like Studio Ghibli animated this series. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the animation.。





【海外の反応】鬼滅の刃は過大評価⁉︎「ufotable のお陰かな」「モノローグが多すぎ」


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